X3x and X6x is already supported for reading as well. But there are still some open questions which I cannot solve without a test device. Source is on Github if you want to have a go at it.Hello Moss,
first, thank you for the wonderful software!
I would like to request a feature: Would it be possible to add support for older format of Yamaha YSFC used on Motif XF / MOXF, please?
I believe X3A or X3W format would be ideal. https://usa.yamaha.com/products/music_p ... ility.html
Its structure is very similar to currently supported YSFC formats, likely with exception of some fields missing.
If any help is necessary, I can support the effort - have MOXF at hand and have some knowledge of the format myself. However, you got much farther with ConvertWithMoss.
Statistics: Posted by moss — Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:22 am