Hmm now this has me intrigued …One thing we noticed is that it seems almost no users or reviewers so far picked up on is the fact that our samples and wavetables are not locked in monoliths as opposed to most Kontakt or other sample based instruments - they are there as .wav files right in the folder where you install the instrument, and can be used anywhere.
Let's have fun with this

Analog category: Lots of eurorack from Vermona, Verbos, Behringer, Doepfer, Rides on the Storm Intellijel, Mutable Instruments, 2hp, Hexinverter, Dreadbox and many more. Analog synths such as Moog Rogue, Moog DFAM, Moog Slim Phatty, Behringer K2, Dave Smith Tetra and Mopho, Korg MS20. Some of the samples are layered and/or interactions between various sources.
Digital category: Lots of raw sounds from the Sonic Core Scope DSP system such as raw oscillator sounds and signals from the Scope Modular, Yamaha AN1x, Yamaha DX200, Roland V-Synth, Nord Modular, Waldorf Micro Q, Novation K-Station, digital Eurorack modules, Reaktor, Absynth, Maschine+, a few sounds from old hardware romplers. There also a few where a bunch of things were layered and recorded together.
Organic category: The voice of Michael Voigt, a developer from the Kontakt team at Native Instruments, the voice of Elpiniki Pappa aka Eski Goten who is currently a product manager at Avid. A couple of vocal and violin samples courtesy of Stefano Maccarelli, a bunch of vocal, basson, vibraphone, violin and other samples contributed by Alessandro Mastroianni from Sonora Cinematic, my shruti box, a 1$ wooden toy flute, my nephew's clarinet and more.
Phenom category: Sounds sampling factory presets from Ocean Swift products. From our products for the Scope DSP platform like Pi2525, Ocean Storm,Formula X, Aeolian Pulsar, Didgeridreamer and others. As well as from our VST plugins Polyphenom 1/2, Aeolian Meditation/Dream-Box, Defiant WT, OSS Enterprise and some samples recording VST prototypes we never released.
Noise category: Koma Field Kit, eurorack again of course, a few field recordings, a few samples from our old drone sample packs, some digitally created sounds in a wave editor, a couple of samples courtesy of Mario Kruselj aka Evil Dragon.
The wavetables and single cycles: Wavetables were created and edited with Python libraries and scripts, Waveterm, Waveedit, Wavetabler, Vital, Wavelab a Japanese app whose name escapes me at the moment, a bunch of online tools, a few public domain wavetables from the internet, some wavetables that come from Kontakt itself (which ironically enough, Ocean Swift has contributed to NI and the Kontakt platform a couple of years ago).
Regardless of the sources - absolutely more importantly and the point being is that these samples are all perfectly tuned, perfectly looped and normalized and simply ready to go wherever you drop them!
* Note that with the wavetables, their usefulness in other wavetable synths depends on them being able to work with the format, namely 2048 samples per cycle.
* No promises but our plan is to add a few more samples in the organic category with one of the planned Porphyra updates, I feel this category has more potential.
Statistics: Posted by faxinadu — Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:21 am