I was initially excited to get MDrummer and expected it to become my go-to drum plug-in, but that never happened. It's just too complicated when all I want to do is lay down some basic beats, either on a MIDI piano roll or played into the DAW on my MIDI controller.I did ask Vojtech if he would consider making a stripped down version of MDrummer for EDM producers, but I don't remember getting a reply for that, which I guess means no.
What would make me interested in MDrummer would be if it could have pre-rolled ready-to-use "instruments" like MSoundFactory. Or even just one. Where on the surface they would look and act like more traditional drum machines.
MSoundFactory recognizes that sometimes you just want an instrument with a set of familiar controls and its own presets.
I'd love to have that in MDrummer. It wouldn't be removing anything, it would be just like what MeldaProduction are already doing with some of their other plug-ins: choosing a subset of the plug-in's available features and presenting them "forward-facing."
I know that MSoundFactory already has Dream Machines, but Dream Machines is woefully limited, with no choke groups and an inability to use more than 6 sounds.
The minimum for me to find a drum machine useful is that it has to have enough pads for kick, snare, crash, hi tom, lo tom, open hat, closed hat, and one wild card for side stick or clap. And the closed hat MUST choke the open hat.
That's 8 sounds, and 1 choke group. Such a thing could be added to MDrummer, GUI mode, device mode, instrument mode, whatever it would be called.
Matter of fact, I'm going to start a new topic requesting this....
Statistics: Posted by Starship Krupa — Sat Feb 01, 2025 5:52 am