Oh I get what they are for. It's just that for me, Pigments is one of those synths that 'looks right' on paper but just in operating never feels right for me. Does not flow for me. Even Logic's Alchemy flows better for me. I experience the same thing with G-Force synths. So merely a matter of personal preference and they way my brain likes to do things.The combinators are pretty much doing what it says in the name. Their main function is to combine modulation sources and process them accord to the function you've selected. Multiply, sum, divide, crossfade etc. You can see the exact order and operation of the function when you hover your mouse cursor over the 'Amount' knob (in all the ones that combine two signals).Agree wholeheartedlyIt's funny because so many people praise Pigments for being intuitive and easy to use. And it should be, but i just don't have that experience. Its not complicated and makes sense but I find myself having to constantly relearn it after stepping away for a few months. I've also never really been able to wrap my head around the combinate things. I get they are modulation remapping (I think) but it's never felt as easy to use as Vitals or Phase Plants remap functions.
Current otoh is just a breeze. Granted, I've spent more hours with Current but even when I was new to it, it just flowed. But still, both Serum and Vital are something of a gold standard for usability in my books...
Combinators can also do remapping but that's just one function of many. I do hope that in Pigments 7 remapping is done at the modulation level. It's such a useful function for pretty much all modulation sources when fine tuning things. This is one area where Vital, Avenger, Falcon etc is far more powerful.
And I tried, I really wanted to click with Pigments, because the value proposition is there with them offering it to me for €69 every three months or so.
Statistics: Posted by Morty-C-137 — Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:06 am