I wonder if the Bitwig “Control Panel Software”, has to install a whole Java Runtime Environment Disk space: 124 MB for JRE; 2 MB for Java Update Processor? The interface GUI looks very Bitwigish. But they may have just used the images and not used the Java JRE.
I have a list of I think around 30 audio interface “manufacturers” at www.MakeDigitalMedia.com/Music if the Bitwig one isn’t suitable.
Also if anyone is looking to get Bitwig 8-track FREE, then check the above link also.
I have a list of I think around 30 audio interface “manufacturers” at www.MakeDigitalMedia.com/Music if the Bitwig one isn’t suitable.
Also if anyone is looking to get Bitwig 8-track FREE, then check the above link also.
Statistics: Posted by FutureHorizons — Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:04 am