Many artists don't use drum machines. I use them, for drum parts. I don't load Crashes, Hits, and Voxes into drum machines. That's what I was talking about. If you do that, then fantastic.So, like I said, just shit your drum machine can do more easily, more transparently and with greater flexibility.
Many people that use Ableton just place audio wavs on the timeline.
It's not that you would usually, I mean you can if you want, and there are reasons to that I don't care to even mention; but like I mentioned before, I can save a track template with MIDI and an audio file on it if I want to have options I can isolate later (like creating a track template that is a riser- and have a wav and a synth to use on it).Yes, you can, but my point is why the f**k would you want to?Not the case most of the time for many daws. In Reaper you can have MIDI, audio, and even video on a track.
More importantly what this inherently implies is I don't have to search track types when I want to add a track template to the timeline. I don't have to differentiate shi* if I want to look at a list- I can just pick and choose what I want, AND then add or subtract from the track later if I want to without having to load up a new differentiated track. Sometimes I may even want to add audio on a track used for midi because I frankly want to drag it there.
Say you want to have a Hit sound, or a Crash sound, but want flexibility when auditioning for one. You can put a MIDI arrangement, as well as a wav sample on a track, also add some automation to it, save the track and load it into any project you want.
So many people don't use drum machines, I guess they are all idiots.Or you can put the sample into something like Battery/Groove Agent/Impact XT and save it as a f**king preset. It's answering a question nobody with even the vaguest idea of what they are doing would ever ask. It's making life more complicated for clueless idiots who should instead make the effort to learn their craft a bit better.
I mentioned earlier it's great to have options if you so please, you can you load a 4 track brass ensemble with automation for each instrument and fx for each one. You may not want to, but this may appeal to someone who does.
Tracks are like "blocks of time" you can add anything to and put anywhere on your timeline, very powerful...
I can load a track that has 10 audio files on it with 10 different automations and 10 different fx on it to piece off as different parts to different sections of a song in half a second of time. That would take you much longer using a drum machine. If these things don't appeal to you that's fine but they simplify things not complicate them.Maybe if you didn't have to wrap them in an even more powerful DAW but in that context it makes no f**king sense to me at all. It just overcomplicates things that should be simple, for little or no benefit.
Statistics: Posted by twal — Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:16 am