I've just managed to try this out and it's extremely good. I also really like the different additive modes, from the smooth ones to the more jagged stepped ones. I'm able to recreate some really classic oscillators from electric organs and early wavetable synths super easily. It's also very light on resources which is always appreciated.
If I was to suggest anything at all it would be maybe more drawing options for the additive/wavetable mode, maybe more grid options or a morph tool to make things faster. Either way, it's extremely intuitive to use and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
If I was to suggest anything at all it would be maybe more drawing options for the additive/wavetable mode, maybe more grid options or a morph tool to make things faster. Either way, it's extremely intuitive to use and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Statistics: Posted by ChristopherWD — Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:05 pm