Yep. Ironically, the first thing the download page for 1566 says is its successor has a ”~20x increase in performance.. “ So not just an older plugin, but one which has had huge performance improvements!That video didn't use the standardized DAWbench-tests so it is impossible to compare results to anything that wasn't included in the test (AMD/Intel or ARM for Windows) .
EDIT: Seems like SGA1566 isn't available for Apple Silicon so the previous DAWbench isn't possible to do...
Likewise, the last Reaplugs FX Bundle on the Cockos website is from 2016, and the default DAWBench download only includes x32/64 versions. Maybe there’s an Apple Silicon version elsewhere, or it leaves the internal Reaper Compressor? So that leaves you with a Kontakt 6 Polyphony test. Even if you could get everything running, it all communicates much less than you’d probably want..
BTW Reaper is willing to load up CPU cores to the point of an unresponsive GUI. Whereas other hosts often keep some resources in reserve so their interface is always responsive. The result is Reaper will usually come out ahead in host benchmarks..
Statistics: Posted by PAK — Sun Nov 24, 2024 5:47 pm