I’ve just tried here and it’s working as expected, can you try renaming or deleting the /Documents/Homegrown Sounds/SideTrack folder, that way it will work as a fresh install when next run & rule out any incompatibilities between 0.5 & 0.6 (although I don’t think there should be any). Failing that can you email me and we’ll take it up there? I can only post every 48 hours in this thread unless responding to a new reply.Hi @Astralp, just updated to the 0.6 of the Win VST on Windows 11 Home using Ableton Suite 11.3.2 and Ableton is just crashing back to desktop when I load Sidetrack into an empty track. Rolled back to 0.5 and it works fine - are there any crash dump files I can send to you to check?
Statistics: Posted by Astralp — Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:34 pm