Hi all,
I'm beyond excited to present gRainbow v1.0.0, a completely redesigned and upgraded version of the pitch-detecting granular synthesizer. A brand new skin, better pitch detection (powered by ML), a full modulation system, and much more. As always it's completely free and open source, so go and grab a copy for your platform here: https://strangeloopsaudio.gumroad.com/l/gRainbow and make it grain!
Some details for the unfamiliar:
gRainbow was created to overcome a few shortcomings of traditional granular synths.
1. Pitch variations in the input clip can produce inharmonic tones, which isn't always wanted. This leads users to often use short single-pitch clips, restricting the synth to a single timbre.
2. Manual pitch matching to the input clip is often required to produce the correct notes with MIDI input, which can be difficult and repetitive.
3. Pitch shifting is commonly done with timestretching, which can create unwanted artifacts when shifting multiple octaves in either direction.
Instead, gRainbow prefers longer, pitch-diverse audio clips (1), automatically produces harmonics matched for MIDI input (2) and avoids too much timestretching by generating harmonics that are already near their target pitch (3). Voila!
Anyway, I hope you're able to make some unique sounds with it, and any feedback is welcome!
I'm beyond excited to present gRainbow v1.0.0, a completely redesigned and upgraded version of the pitch-detecting granular synthesizer. A brand new skin, better pitch detection (powered by ML), a full modulation system, and much more. As always it's completely free and open source, so go and grab a copy for your platform here: https://strangeloopsaudio.gumroad.com/l/gRainbow and make it grain!
Some details for the unfamiliar:
gRainbow was created to overcome a few shortcomings of traditional granular synths.
1. Pitch variations in the input clip can produce inharmonic tones, which isn't always wanted. This leads users to often use short single-pitch clips, restricting the synth to a single timbre.
2. Manual pitch matching to the input clip is often required to produce the correct notes with MIDI input, which can be difficult and repetitive.
3. Pitch shifting is commonly done with timestretching, which can create unwanted artifacts when shifting multiple octaves in either direction.
Instead, gRainbow prefers longer, pitch-diverse audio clips (1), automatically produces harmonics matched for MIDI input (2) and avoids too much timestretching by generating harmonics that are already near their target pitch (3). Voila!
Anyway, I hope you're able to make some unique sounds with it, and any feedback is welcome!
Statistics: Posted by bradyboettcher — Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:41 pm