.. and I thought this was the excuse Reaper users always had? Looks like Cubase is the new "UI sucks, so lets just blame it on customization flexibility".The real power of Cubase lies in it's ability to be extremely customizableI find that philosophy leads to very cluttered work environments. Sometimes you have to cut legacy stuff loose if you find a way to implement something in a better way.
Once you wrap your head around how to customize it, you can make it exactly how you want to do whatever you want. This becomes incredible as you can make it bend to your will
So you don't ultimately have a cluttered work environment, you end up with the exact work environment you want/need
Or you can create multiple task specific work environments. Say one for your work projects and another for your personal projects
Or one for your hardware and another for software, or one for recording microphones and guitars, and another for virtual instruments
It seems overwhelming at first but when you stick with it, it will click and start to make sense. Then the five ways to do something starts to make sense as one of those ways will incorporate itself better into whatever workflow you want to design
In a lot of ways you can consider it a modular environment
To be fair, Reaper runs absolute rings around Cubase when it comes to customization (and in my opinion, still manages to be way easier and quicker to use).
Statistics: Posted by bmanic — Thu Nov 07, 2024 2:18 pm