The simplest progressions can be incredibly beautyful, like Hans Zimmer "Time"
How you build tension and melodies and arrange it all.
- I've seen too many threads on progressions lately
I'll stick my neck out and say, it's not the progressions that make it interesting and beautyful
- it's what you do with them
- and how you voice them
Learn chords on keyboard and surprise yourself
- the normal major and minor chords, and 7th and 9th goes a long way
- a surprising interval is always interesting, maybe even shift key
- "what happends if I do this now...." kind of thing
- try melodies with different frasing, how you pause and perform
When you do find something that hit you as interesting
- have a little dictaphone within reach and record just 15-30s of the idea
- the exact frasing makes all the differences, how you emphasize and rhythmically do it
I tried a piano teacher once that was amazed by an musician
- because he bent the "musical rules"
- he had an intellectual approach to music
Music is a universal language and just hits you - or not
Do what you find interesting...
How you build tension and melodies and arrange it all.
- I've seen too many threads on progressions lately
I'll stick my neck out and say, it's not the progressions that make it interesting and beautyful
- it's what you do with them
- and how you voice them
Learn chords on keyboard and surprise yourself
- the normal major and minor chords, and 7th and 9th goes a long way
- a surprising interval is always interesting, maybe even shift key
- "what happends if I do this now...." kind of thing
- try melodies with different frasing, how you pause and perform
When you do find something that hit you as interesting
- have a little dictaphone within reach and record just 15-30s of the idea
- the exact frasing makes all the differences, how you emphasize and rhythmically do it
I tried a piano teacher once that was amazed by an musician
- because he bent the "musical rules"
- he had an intellectual approach to music
Music is a universal language and just hits you - or not
Do what you find interesting...
Statistics: Posted by lfm — Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:03 am