Agreed...this is a big and significant change...this is why I think Will I Am new attempt at reinventing radio misses the point...I dont think people want an even more personalized experience to send them even deeper into a rabbit hole stovepipe of isolation causing them to be further consumed by their mobile device...i think what people miss about radio is the opposite...the communal experiences and shared moments between groups of people that become shared memories...humans are social beings and innately crave socialisation...the irony is social media is not actually social in meaningful ways like traditional mechanisms...i think people want the opposite of the isolation amplified by the pandemic and a return to the communal...local terrestrial radio, the jukebox, the boombox, and the record player created and facilitated theseIndeed - that was my point.The number of clubs has actually decreased dramaticallyI blame it on the lack of youth discoteques and village barn dances nowadays. ... shut-down/ ... ek-in-2024 ... e104.shtml
If the community locations / settings for musical experiences are taken away from (older) children and teenagers, imho they won't grow up being as immersed and captivated by music (and being able to view it, at worst, as an amusing background for their teenage romantic lives and shenanigans, and at best as meaningful to giving them musical enjoyment, closeness and exposure to songs from a young age).
Also, plenty of community facilities such as village halls offered a chance for teenage bands to have a space to rehearse (in addition to the usual garages etc), and these seem to be on the wane.
I would argue that the lack of social events and facilities (as opposed to listening to music by yourself on your earbuds or via the internet etc) creates a distance, a lack of interest and a lack of 'meaningfulness' around music compared to, say, for teenagers of the 1960s - 1980s.
Which, in turn, fails to inspire young musicians to 'give it a go' and, combined with several other reasons previously expressed in this thread, arguably leads to less risk-taking within music (both at an individual level and at a record label level etc) and less reason to see music as a social commodity and pursuit.
Statistics: Posted by bermudagold — Wed Sep 25, 2024 4:34 am