(For a serious answer - any will indeed work. However ones that will help you out a little more are ones with a lot of interesting support for internal motion within a patch. For me a few stand out there; Korg Wavestate, UVI Falcon, Synthmaster, and Pigments from my own experience; others will have other favorites. Phase Plant and Korg Modwave could be good choices too but neither screams "ambient" to me.)
(For a serious answer - any will indeed work. However ones that will help you out a little more are ones with a lot of interesting support for internal motion within a patch. For me a few stand out there; Korg Wavestate, UVI Falcon, Synthmaster, and Pigments from my own experience; others will have other favorites. Phase Plant and Korg Modwave could be good choices too but neither screams "ambient" to me.)
Statistics: Posted by stoopicus — Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:47 am