It really is pretty crazy when you think about it. I remember switching from Reason to Cubase around 2008~2009 or so, and just not being able to find a reverb VST I liked remotely as much as the Reason Advanced Reverb unit. For YEARS I tried out different ones, bouncing around between the free and cheaper ones that I could get satisfactory sounds from, but was never really satisfied.It's amazing how much better reverbs have gotten in the last 15 or so years, even though there were some decent ones back then too.
Fast forward to now, where I have a ton of great reverbs I've bought for a fraction of those prices, and a ton of great reverbs that are completely free- Raum, epicPLATE and epicCLOUDS, OrilRiver, Spacer, OldSkoolVerb, Solaris, TENSjr, TAL Reverb 4, etc. all hold their own against the paid reverbs as far as sound quality goes imo.
I know we're not supposed to blame our tools, but I really feel like the quality of plugins in general is so much better these days. Even free ones made by small or solo developers require SO much less wrangling and fiddling to sound good than what was around 15 years ago.
Statistics: Posted by concealed identity — Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:36 am