The waves tapes should be included no doubt. Aware of one popular hip hop label (not naming any names) that literally runs all releases through j37. conversation with the principal engineer at a major studio I was doing a session at revealed he considers j37 to be the most tape like sound of any plug in, at least in 2023, and he has them all.Different strokes are ok.That's funny. The first tape emulation I ever got was Waves (I think it was J37 - but can't remember and I've deleted my Waves acct). It was so bad sounding I decided for literally years after that tape was just something that digital could not do.Waves tapes are not included in the poll, must be a joke!?
Finally, in 2018, I found one that I thought sounded really good, and began accumulating tape emus again. Now I have many. None of them Waves.
Different strokes I guess.
I don't expect a tape to sound,
sound comes from an instrument.
Depth, width, reducing nominal loudness,
thats what I want and withouth high cpu or latency.
Of course, you can use a tape
as an effect by driving wow, flutter or noise hard.
Waves J37 and Kramer do the job for me
Personal favs are j37, sketch tape 2, Arturia Mello Fi, and Chow tape if all else fails.
Personal favs are j37 and
Statistics: Posted by motomotomoto — Sat Jul 13, 2024 5:31 am