Indeed! It was a crash fest for the first couple of iterations of Sonar X. They fixed it over time.That's the human race for you. Sonar was a crash fest for quite a while with some denial involved and that cost them quite a bit of good will, especially from long time Cakewalk users. My latest looks and it seems very stable. But I'm Mac now so I just keep tabs, I don't really use it.That’s how I remember it. Like every DAW Sonar had it’s problems but felt they weren’t treated fairly. Some fellows with some serious grudges seem to enjoy their downfall.Because everybody was calling it a subscription although it wasn't - people just didn't get it.
What Cakewalk did during the Gibson years was incredible in the amount of fixes and new features every month of the year.
- don't get why this was not a success story enough to keep
Now Bitwig is doing basically the same thing (albeit with a lot less frequent updates) and nobody seems to have any problem with it.
Statistics: Posted by SuperG — Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:57 pm